Products & Activities

BEL designs, develops, manufactures and distributes certified medical devices, with particular reference to vascular access and disposable medical devices for Cardio surgery, Hemodialysis, Urodynamics, Gynecology and Extracorporeal Circulation.
It provides advisory services relating to the design, the industrialization, the production of medical devices and as well as the related processes (e.g. molding, extrusion, assembly, sterilization, packaging, labeling, CE marking, quality system, validation).
It is OEM producer of medical devices and of their accessories.

Our strengths



BEL’s sensitivity towards qualitative and regulatory aspects is demonstrated by the fact that its management was one of the first in Europe to adopt and apply the standards of the specific sector (ISO13485, MDD 93/42), acquiring a twenty year experience in Management of issues related to CE marking of medical devices

Download the ISO13485 certificate here
Confirmation Letter
II Confirmation Letter



BEL designs, develops, manufactures and distributes medical devices, with particular reference to vascular access and disposable medical devices for Cardiosurgery, Hemodialysis, Urodynamics, Gynecology and Extracorporeal Circulation.


Research and development

Research and development

BEL constantly invests human and monetary resources in R&D activities, both employing its own personnel and relying on external collaborations with companies and research institutions. Some examples of the current fields of activity are listed below:

Development of new products:
Heart surgery venous cannulas: BEL is committed to the development of innovative heart surgery dual stage venous cannulas, employing new materials and novel processing technologies.

Research in the field of Advanced Therapies:
Scaffolds and biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine: BEL works with natural (i.e., collagen, silk fibroin) and synthetic (e.g., polyurethanes) materials for the development of novel scaffolds for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Recently, the company has registered the SilkothaneTM trademark for a novel hybrid material, encompassing the biocompatibility of fibroin and the elasticity of polyurethanes. SilkothaneTM is currently processed by electrospinning for the development of innovative, semi-degradable arterio-venous hemodialysis grafts.
Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering: BEL has collaborated with Cellec Biotek AG for the industrialization of the innovative tissue engineering perfusion bioreactor U-CUP.
Within the last ten years, BEL has participated several European and Italian collaborative projects, i.e.:
– Repair (PON ID 01_02342), regarding Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering (novel approaches to repair damaged tissues);
– Is.BioBone (Eurostars ID 5179/E), aimed at the development of a novel, in-situ formed biomimetic biomaterial for bone regeneration;
– SilkBioTech (Metadistretti ID 30141940) for the development of an innovative silk biomaterial, characterized by intrinsic antimicrobial properties;
– MUSICARE (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 ID 642458), focused on multisectoral integrative approaches to cardiac care.


Bioengineering Laboratories (BEL) has been conceived as a young, streamlined and multi-faceted organization able to provide technical knowledge and a twenty year experience in designing, testing and producing innovative medical devices in the bioengineering industry.
BEL is a pool of professional professionals able to critically address and re-elaborate the key aspects of a “modern” design in the medical field.
The knowledge of the market, the openness to new clinical and surgical techniques, the curiosity towards new technologies, the application of an effective Quality System and the constant updating of the current legislative and regulatory requirements are our basis for engineering dedicated to life.
Since 2018, Bioengineering Laboratories is part of Delta Med Group

DELEBIO – Headquarter & Production Plant

DELEBIO – Headquarter & Production Plant


Strada Provinciale per Dubino, 10

23014 Delebio




via Guido Rossa, 20

46019 Viadana


Details / Web site
